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by busybee-busylife 2024. 10. 18.

바샤 커피는 별론데 티라미수는 찐이다...!

와, 너무 재미있다. 
Noa가 제일 미웠고, Noa의 동생 Mozasu가 나의 favorite character.
나 역시 초딩 아들을 키우고 있어, 이 시대 아이를 키우는 엄마의 입장에서도 생각할 거리가 많았다.
내 아들이 공부만 잘하는 정신이 나약한 아이보다는
'국/영/수' 좀 못해도 스트레스 관리 잘 하는 강인한 정신력과 사랑하는 사람들에 대한 책임감을 가진 어른으로 성장했으면 좋겠다.  

'건강하게만 자라다오' 이 마음 잊지 말아야하는데..
저자는 이 책을 쓰기까지 약 30년이 걸렸다고 한다. 
오랜 기간 집필을 해왔지만, 실제로 일본에 가서 살게 되면서 일본에 사는 한국인(조선인)들을 만나 이야기를 나눠보고 
거의 새로운 책을 쓰는 수준으로 글을 썼다고. 
당시 일본에 살았던 조선인들의 '한'과 고달픔을, 자극적인 장면 없이 잔잔하게 하지만 생생하게 묘사해주었다. 
학교 다니면서도 '근현대사' 시간을 좋아했지만, 그 어떤 교과서나 참고서보다 더 많은 것을 배웠다. 
이렇게 멋진 책들이 더 많이 나와 진짜 '우리 역사'를 기록해주면 좋겠다. 


+) 애플티비에서 드라마로 나오고 있는 것 같다.

등장인물들의 배역을 미리 보면 나의 상상을 방해할 것 같아 일부러 보지않았는데 

'한수' 역할에 이민호라니! 이렇게 멋진 배우에게 '한수' 역할을 주다니 이거 반칙아닙니까😭

'경희' 역할에 정은채라니! 나의 상상속의 '경희'보다 더 잘 어울리잖아!🥰

"People are rotten everywhere you go. They are no good. You want to see a very bad man? Make an ordinary man successful beyond his imagination. Let's see how good he his when he can do whatever he wants." 
"Never lend anyone money."
"Everyone who lives here needs money, clothes, rent, and food; there's very little you can do to fix all of their problems. We'll give to the church - no different than how we were raised - but the church has to hand things out. You don't understand what it's like here. Try to avoid talking to the neighbors, and never ever let anyone in the house."
"We are all hungry. They were stealing. You have to be careful. Just because they're Korean doesn't mean they're our friends. Be extra careful around other Koreans; the bad ones know that the police won't listen to our complaints. Our house has been broken into twice. Kyunghee has lost her jewelry."
(by Yoseb when Sunja and Isak arrived Osaka)
"When the Americans win, we don't know what the Japanese will do. They'll pull out of Korea, but who'll be in charge of Korea? What will happen to all those Koreans who supported the Japanese? There will be confusion. There will be more bloodshed. You don't want to be around it. You don't want your sons around it."
(by Hansu when he took Sunja's mother to Janan)
"But Mindan's a mere puppet of American-"
The reflection in the bathroom mirror dissapointed her.She was fifty-two years old. ... Sunja touched her short, graying hair. She had never been lovely, and certainly now, she didn't believe that any man would ever want her. That part of her life had ended with Mozasu's father. She was palin and wrinkled; her waist and thighs were thick. Her face and hands belonged to a poor, hard-working woman, and no matter how much money she had in her purse now, nothing would make her appealing.
"In Seoul, people like me get called Japanese bastards, and in Japan, I'm just another dirty Korean no matter how much money I make or how nice I am. So what the fuck? all those people who went back to the North are starving to death or scared shitless." 
(by Haruki, Mozasu's friend) 
"But things get better. Life is shitty, but not all the time." 
The penalties incurred for the mistakes you made had to be paid out in full to the members of your family. But she didn't believe that she could ever discharge these sums. 
(by Etsuko, Mozasu's lover) 
"You and Solomon were born here."
"We can be deported. We have no motherland. Life is full of things he cannot control so he must adapt. My boy has to survive."
(Mozasu and his son Solomon had to renew their passports every two years)

"You left because you're afraid, and you slept with all those men because you were afraid of getting old. You're weak and pathetic."
(by Hana to her mother Etsuko. Etsuko got divorced because her husband had an affair.) 


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